
Unlock the Future of Digital Currencies with Hash Bitcoin on Hedera Network

Hash Bitcoin: the quirky decentralized currency on Hedera network, offering 10,000 TPS for speedy and effortless transactions. Created by the people, for the people, with wallet-friendly fees and enterprise-grade security. Enjoy the assurance of 100% ownership.

Introducing Hash Bitcoin

Hash Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency with a fixed supply of 21,000,000 tokens, minted on the safest and greenest public DLT.


Hash Bitcoin ensures enhanced security through its utilization of the Hedera Token Service, leveraging a robust and proven infrastructure that mitigates the risks associated with traditional smart contracts.


With Hash Bitcoin on the Hedera Token Service, enjoy peace of mind knowing that there are no pause, wipe, or freeze keys associated with the token, ensuring its immutable and censorship-resistant nature.


With its seamless compatibility with all decentralized exchanges native to the Hedera network, the token ensures effortless trading and enhanced liquidity within the vibrant Hedera ecosystem.


The token unleashes governance possibilities, enabling active participation of its community in shaping its future through voting and decision-making processes.

Environmentally friendly

Low fees, 0.000003 kWh per transaction

Experience the benefits of Hash Bitcoin with its low fees, while also contributing to a sustainable future, as Hedera boasts the lowest energy usage per transaction among blockchain networks.

Learn about our mission

Hash Bitcoin sets itself apart from other meme coins by fostering a culture of collaboration, incentivizing users to engage in the fair exchange of funds through peer-to-peer transfers. Emphasizing community-driven interactions, Hash Bitcoin promotes a sense of fairness and inclusivity within its ecosystem, creating a vibrant and cooperative environment for its users.


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(Discord will be available after initial funding)